Spiritual Leadership Degree or

Metaphysical Organizational Leadership Degree

Accelerated Metaphysics Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD Degrees

Metaphysics  PhD Degree Program Information

Degree Type:

Spiritual Leadership, or

Metaphysical Organizational Leadership

Degrees Included:

Bachelor of Metaphysical Science MSc.B

Master of Metaphysical Science MSc.M

Doctor of Metaphysical Science MSc.D or Doctor of Philosophy PhD

Certified Leading Professional (CLP) designation

[For a Bachelor's-only or Bachelor's/Master's-only degrees, see Degree Program Tuition & Enrollment Info]

Degree Features:

• Study at Your Own Pace - Accelerated Format - Excellent for Busy People

• Earn your degrees in 3 to 12 months (average is 10 to 12 months)

• Start Anytime, Study Anywhere - 100% Online

• All Study Material Included

• No Contracts - No Prerequisites

Degree Description:

At a time when solid leadership is in short supply, these two leadership degrees explore numerous aspects of leadership and management that will greatly enhance your leadership skills, starting with personal leadership and management. The curriculum forms a sold foundation upon which leadership concepts and techniques are then built. Many of the concepts in this premiere leadership degree program are unique and proprietary; they are not taught anywhere other than ICMH Schools.

This leadership degree program covers basic and advanced management and leadership concepts including assertive communication skills, delegation, empowering and motivating others, interviewing, hiring, firing, discipline, job descriptions, performance reviews, training and coaching, dealing with unacceptable behavior, and much more.

While both degrees cover the same course material, the Spiritual Leadership degree is great for those in positions of spiritual oversight. The Metaphysical Organizational Leadership is great for those in the business world who wish to enhance their management and leadership skills. A "Certified Leading Professional" (CLP) designation is also included to recognize your successful completion of this degree program in a more secular manner. This is excellent for adding additional credibility with a secular employer.

Vocational Info:

This degree is a good choice for:

• Those in positions of leadership

• Managers

• Business owners

• Church or Ministry leaders / pastors

• Business writers, authors, bloggers

• Motivational speakers, instructors, teachers

• Personal and professional growth

Required Courses: 10

This degree requires 10 predetermined courses for graduation. Students are welcome to take additional courses either during the Master's Program or anytime after they graduate with their Doctoral degree. FYI, any G (General) courses below can also be taken as single courses outside of the TFU Degree Program. Visit the Course Descriptions page to enroll in single courses.


Required courses for this degree are:

Bachelor's Courses:

  1. G70: Metaphysical and Spiritual Self-Mastery

  2. G80: Principles of Empowered Relationships

  3. G90: Relationships and Healthy Boundaries

  4. G100: Personal and Professional Intercommunication Skills

  5. G110: Practical Communication and Public Speaking Skills

Master's Courses:

  1. G120: Critical Thinking Skills

  2. G130: Life Management Skills –Problems, Goals, and Time

  3. G140: Metaphysical Psychology

  4. G380: Spiritually-Based Organizational Leadership Skills 1

  5. G381: Spiritually-Based Organizational Leadership Skills 2


  • Courses are taken one-at-a-time in the order they are listed.

  • A Bachelor's diploma is issued after completing the first five courses.

  • A Master's diploma is issued after completing the remaining five courses.

  • A Doctoral diploma and ordination are issued upon completion of the Doctoral Thesis which takes the form of answering several questions about the courses you completed.

  • A CLP (Certified Leading Professional) designation and certificate is issued upon completion of Course G381.

View All Course Descriptions | Frequently Asked Questions


 Tuition for this Degree:

Five Bachelor's Courses Above: $375
Five Master's Courses Above: $425
Doctoral Program: $300
Total Tuition: $1,100

All enrolled courses are accessible from your Dashboard

No other fees are required before or after graduation.

All Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and PayPal Accepted


 Payment Plans: (You will choose your payment plan when enrolling)

Full Pay Plan: $1,000 Pay the tuition in full and deduct $100. Total tuition: $1,000 USD. With this plan, you will be enrolled in all of your required courses immediately upon enrollment.

Monthly Payment Plan:

12 Equal Payments of $91.67

This monthly plan is 12 equal monthly payments of $91.67 USD. Total tuition is $1,100. Start with $91.67 down followed by 11 more monthly payments. Includes first course. Automatic payment plans are set up thru PayPal. You must have a PayPal account to subscribe. Otherwise, we can set up a monthly payment plan after you enroll under the pay-as-you-go plan below.

Payment plans allow for the completion of one course per month. If you wish to go a little faster, choose one of the other plans. The average student completes about one course per month. Some students complete 3 or 4 courses per month, and other students go slower.

$75 Down, then Pay-As-You-Go Pay $75 USD for your first course during the enrollment process, then pay for each course individually as you go. Courses are $75 and $100 each. Total tuition is $1,100. Students who choose this plan can simply enroll themselves by finding their next course on the Course Descriptions page and clicking on the "Enroll" button next to the course title. Students will always be informed of their next course upon completion of the previous course.

All tuition plans include:

  • Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral Degrees.

  • All required courses listed above.

  • All online study material included (no additional book fees).

  • All online exams and assignments.

  • Instructor access and support.

  • Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral diplomas (digital PDF and printed).

  • Postage and shipping for printed graduation documents.


Metaphysics and Spiritual PhD Doctoral Degrees