Kvantum Energy Healing (KEH) Level 3 - Advanced Body-Thought-Memory Integration provides the final step toward advancing the fundamental formula for the proprietary and unique Body-Thought-Memory Integration (BTMI) modality developed by Dr. Vicki Hunter as a means of locating and changing “thoughts in the body.” KEH Level 3 expands on Level 2 and explores how to “dig deeper” in order to discover where “body-thoughts” are active and potentially inhibiting the body’s ability to heal. Also, learn how to proceed with follow-up client sessions with a 3-Answer Short Cut that continues to reveal hidden layers of body memory. In the healing-discovery process, KEH Level 3 also supports incorporating other potentially useful healing modalities that naturally compliment the BTMI modality. Prerequisites: Course G331: Kvantum Energy Healing Level 2 – Body-Thought-Memory Integration.

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