Courses A90 and A91 both explore the various aspects of Paranormal Science, Parapsychology, and Ufology. These two courses are based, in part, on the highly acclaimed Certified Paranormal Investigator (CPI) course taken by hundreds of paranormal researchers and investigators. The CPI course created a new standard of proper and ethical paranormal investigation and is included in our metaphysics degree program in a greatly enhanced form. You will learn the theories related to ghosts, spirits, and Malevolent Inhuman Spirits (MIS), types of hauntings, the true nature of orbs, how to use equipment, how to conduct an investigation, the roles of members on a team, trigger objects, the role of belief in paranormal phenomena, parapsychology, remote viewing, para-anthropology, psychokinesis (PK) and Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis (RSPK), working with psychics and mediums, how to do cleansings, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), and more. For ufology, this course discusses commonly reported types of UFOs and their characteristics, how to estimate altitude, speed, and direction of flight, classifying UFO events, alien abduction phenomena, and more. Upon completion, you will have an excellent understanding of the broad paranormal field as well as how to conduct paranormal and UFO investigations. Investigation forms are also included. (This course does not include evidence analysis. That is covered in Courses A110/A111.) Prerequisites: Courses A90.

To enroll in this course...

Submit your tuition payment of $125 on the Tuition Payments page. You will be enrolled within a few hours (usually very quickly).